Saint of the Day | History of Saint Luke the Evangelist – October 18

We are celebrating in the Church’s liturgy, as we remember the life and testimony of the evangelist Saint Luke.

Born in Antioch in Syria, a doctor by profession, he was converted by the apostle Saint Paul, from whom he became an inseparable and faithful companion on the mission. Collaborator in the apostolate, the great apostle of the Gentiles, in several places, expresses the high regard he had for Lucas, as a bearer of zeal and fidelity in the heart. Both made several apostolic journeys, becoming one of the first missionaries in the Greco-Roman world.

He became exceptional in the life of the Church because he was docile to the Holy Spirit, who empowered him with the charisma of inspiration and community experience, resulting in the Gospel according to Lucas and in the first history of the Church, known as the Acts of the Apostles.

In the Gospel according to Lucas, we find Christ, universal love, who reveals himself to everyone and calls Zacchaeus, Mary Magdalene, guarantees Heaven for the “good” thief and tells the beautiful parables of the merciful father and the good Samaritan. In the Acts of the Apostles, which could also be called Acts of the Holy Spirit, we come across the ascension of Christ, who promises baptism in the Holy Spirit, a fact that is fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, and the Church is inaugurated, which since then has been evangelizing with courage, boldness and tireless love all people.

A tradition – which began in the 19th century. XIV Nicephorus Callistus, inspired by a phrase by Theodorus, a writer from the 6th century – tells us that Saint Luke He was a painter and tells us about an image of Our Lady from his brush. Saint Augustine, in the fourth century, tells us that we do not know the portrait of Mary; and Saint Ambrose, with a spiritual sense, tells us that he was a figure of goodness. This is the portrait that he transmitted to us Saint Luke of the Virgin Mary: her moral portrait, the goodness of her soul. The Gospel of most of the Masses of Mary Most Holy is taken from Saint Lukebecause it was he who told us his life at length and discovered his Heart to us.

Saint Paul was imprisoned twice in Rome and in both captivity he had with him Saint Luke, “dearest doctor”. He helped him in his apostolate, consoled him in his work and attentively attended to and cured him of his bodily ailments. In the second captivity, in the year 67, shortly before his martyrdom, he writes to Timothy that Lucas is the only companion” in your prison. The others had abandoned him. The historian Saint Jerome states that Lucas He lived the mission until the age of 84, ending his life with martyrdom. Therefore, in the hymn of Lauds we pray:

“We sing today, Lucas, your martyrdom, your blood shed for Jesusthe two books you carry in your arms and your halo of light”. He is considered the Patron Saint of doctors, as he also exercised this office, as Saint Paul says to the Colossians (4,14): “Greetings Lucasour dear doctor.”

Saint Luke, pray for us!