Saint of the Day | Sagrada Familia – December 30th

A Holy Family of Nazareth It is one of the most revered and significant representations of the Christian tradition. It is composed of Jesus Mary and Joseph, and this family unit plays a central role in the New Testament narrative. The history of Holy Family is full of remarkable events that reveal the importance of faith, obedience and love.

Nativity of Jesus

The report of Nativity of Jesuswhich is celebrated in Christmasis one of the most emblematic events in the history of Holy Family. According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem due to a census decreed by the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus. Arriving in Bethlehem, they found all the inns full, and so, Jesus He was born in a stable and placed in a manger. The shepherds, guided by a star, arrived to worship the Boyand the wise men from the East also came, bringing precious gifts.

Escape to Egypt

Shortly after the birth of JesusThe Holy Family faced a deadly threat. King Herod learned of the birth of a supposed “King of Jews” and, fearing he would lose his own power, he ordered the slaughter of all boys in Bethlehem under the age of two. Warned by an angel in a dream, Joseph took Maria and the Boy and they fled to Egypt, where they remained until the angel told them it was safe to return.

The flight to Egypt is an example of God’s obedience. Joseph and Mary divine guidance and commitment to protecting the Son of God. The story also reminds us of the difficult reality of many refugees and migrants who have to leave their homes in search of safety.

The Loss and Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Another significant event in the life of Holy Family occurred when Jesus he was about twelve years old. A family traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter, and upon returning, Joseph and Mary realized that Jesus he was not among the relatives and friends who accompanied them. After three days of anguished searching, they finally found Jesus in the Temple, where He he was discussing the laws with doctors of the Law, who were impressed by his great wisdom.

The meeting of Jesus in the Temple is an example of the growing understanding of His divine mission and obedience to Heavenly Father. When Maria expressed his concern, Jesus declared: “Why did you look for me? Did you not know that I must take care of the things of my Father?” (Luke 2:49).

The history of Holy Family of Nazareth inspires Christians to value the importance of family, faith and obedience to God. She also highlights the central role of the family in the religious education and spiritual growth of children. A Holy Family He is an example of love and unity, and his legacy endures as a model of Christian and family life.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, my family is yours!