Saint of the Day – Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More | June 22

Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher were two prominent English saints and martyrs who lived in the 16th century. Both had courage and firmness in defending their Catholic faith, despite facing great opposition and persecution during the turbulent period of the Protestant Reformation in England.

Saint Thomas More, born in 1478, was a renowned intellectual, lawyer and politician, who held important positions in the government of King Henry VIII. However, he refused to support the king’s divorce and his self-proclamation as supreme leader of the Church of England, to the detriment of papal authority. His firmness in defending the primacy of the Catholic Church and his refusal to recognize the king’s marriage led to his arrest and, eventually, his death by beheading in 1535.

Saint John Fisher, born in 1469, was Bishop of Rochester and also opposed the separation of the Church of England from the papacy. He defended the authority of the Pope and refused to swear an oath of loyalty to the king as supreme head of the church. For your unyielding stance, Fisher He was imprisoned and later sentenced to death by beheading in 1535.

Both saints faced martyrdom with courage and serenity, remaining faithful to their Catholic faith until the end. They became powerful examples of Christian witness, showing that truth and faithfulness to God must not be compromised, even in the face of great challenges.

The life of Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher reminds us of the importance of defending the fundamental values ​​and principles of the Catholic faith, even when this may involve personal sacrifices. They inspire us to stand firm in our faith, to seek truth and justice, and to be willing to face any adversity for the love of Christ. May these holy martyrs guide and strengthen us in our own journey of discipleship and Christian witness.

Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisherpray for us!