Saint Patrick – March 17th

Born in England, Saint Patrick was from a Christian family who lived in a rural region, but at the age of 16 he was captured and taken to Ireland as a slave, where he would work as a shepherd for 6 long years.

Escape to France

As a young man, Saint Patrick, despite coming from a Christian family, was not linked to studies and prayer, but in this period of great difficulties he turned to God as his refuge, placing himself in constant prayer.

Because he could no longer bear that situation, one day Saint Patrick managed to escape, and guided by his faith and willpower, he headed to France, seeking refuge in a monastery where he would receive guidance from Saint German .

Conversion of Ireland

During his period at the monastery and receiving guidance, Saint Patrick began to pray, and received a call to convert all the people of Ireland, and went there.

After carrying out hard work, Saint Patrick began to reap the rewards by converting the people of Ireland, without the need for struggles or even political support from the region’s leaders, just with his enlightenment and the gift of bringing the word of God to the people. , including the need for the Church to send three bishops, in his confession he said: “my brothers and children whom I baptized in the Lord – thousands of people”.

During this period, Saint Patrick visited several places, even more remote places, including converting the druids (pagan priests) to faith in Christ.

When he arrived in Ireland as an evangelist, the island was just a pagan country. By the end of his life, thirty years after his arrival, in 461, “faith in Christ had been established everywhere” (Great horologion).

Catholic tradition says that Saint Patrick, in addition to converting Ireland, performed the miracle of expelling all the snakes from the island, being considered by many religious people a parable in having completely extinguished pagan cults in the region, and even converting priests feared by many.

Death and Canonization

After his death Saint Patrick was canonized, and considered the Patron Saint of Ireland, being a very popular saint even outside his country.

Saint Patrick’s Prayer

God, our Father, Jesus your Son is the light of the world.

Whoever follows him does not walk in darkness, but has the light of life!

Grant us, Lord, to walk in the clarity of your light and seek you in the joy, in the hope that you grant us through faith.

Saint Patrick trusted in the strength and power of the Gospel that moves and converts hearts. May the word sown in our hearts produce abundant fruit and transform our lives.

Transform it into a hymn of praise to you who call us to participate in your glory here in this world. And your glory is that man should live.