Saint Simplício – March 2nd

Saint Simplício He was known for his trajectory within the Church during one of the most complicated periods in its history.

Simplício was Pope from 468 to 483, having maintained one of the longest pontificates of his period, as at this time the Roman Empire was experiencing its decline, suffering constant attacks from hordes of barbarians.

The Papacy

He was chosen in the year 468 with the difficult mission of succeeding Saint Peter.

Within the church, São Simplicio faced a period where heresies such as Nestorianism which said that the man Christ was different from the God Christ, and also Monophysitism where they preached as truth that the divine nature suppressed the human nature of Christ.

However, with authority and full of the Holy Spirit, Saint Simplicio managed to combat these ideas, guiding the Church in a masterful way.

The Fall of Rome

In the year 476 Saint Simplicius was faced with the fall of the Roman Empire, a fact that would transform Rome into the City of Popes, as in the midst of disorder the Popes were the highest legal and moral authority. In this scenario Simplício once again demonstrated his strength in helping the Church to sustain itself, and his unshakable faith that maintained his generosity and kindness towards the people.
Death and Canonization

Saint Simplius died in the year 483, leaving as his legacy a strong and triumphant Church even in the midst of internal and external struggles;