Sanctuary of Paray le Monial

History of Paray le Monial

In 971, Count Lambert asked Saint Mayeul to establish a abbey in this town in southern Burgundy. In the 12th century, the Benedictine monks built the current building, which is a jewel of Romanesque art. However, the Black Death of 1346-1348, the Hundred Years’ War, and later, the Wars of Religion were able to put the convent to the test. Fortunately, the magnificent basilica Romanesque was restored in the nineteenth century.

As is well known, the seventeenth century was a time that marked the Catholic reform; Taking advantage of this spirit of religious renewal, a Jesuit priory was opened in Paray le Monial in 1609. Then, in 1626, Mother Juana Francisca de Chantal founded a monastery of the Visitation and Saint Francis de Sales founded again the Order of the Visitation, that is how the sisters providentially received the name of Daughters of the Heart of Jesus. In 1632 the Sisters of the Visitation exchanged their facilities with the Jesuit fathers and moved to the current convent.

On the other hand, while little Louis XIV was already king of France, that is, on July 22, 1647, Marguerite Alacoque was born in Verosvres (France). Then the young Ella entered the Monastery of the Visitation of Paray le Monial on June 20, 1671, where he was one of the most emblematic figures, thanks to the revelations he received from the Lord about his Sacred Heart. In 1686, the sisters began to respond to Jesus’ requests and built the first chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The Feast of the Sacred Heartwhich Jesus himself requested, takes place on the third Friday after Pentecost.

A little later, the community was dissolved during the Revolution and then re-established in 1823.

history of appearances

The religious life of Saint Margaret Mary was marked by many mystical events. We observe four episodes that include the three appearances main:

Being still a novice, Margarita María was in charge of watching the donkeys. One day, while praying under a hazelnut tree, Jesus revealed to her how her Passion was a testimony of her infinite love for humanity, and asked her to join him, as an offering of her own sufferings. . Sister then received Saint Francis of Assisi as her spiritual guide.

the first great appearance It took place on December 27, 1673, when Jesus invited Margaret Mary to lay her head on his chest and told her: “My divine heart is so passionate for the love of men, and for you in particular, that, being unable to contain the flames of his ardent charity, it must spread them through you, and that he manifests himself in them, to enrich them. with its precious treasures that I reveal to you, and that contain the sanctifying and saving graces necessary to distance them from the abyss of perdition; and I have chosen you as an abyss of unworthiness and ignorance for the realization of that great design, in order Let everything be done by me.”

The second appearance It happened in 1674, when Margarita María was praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus appeared before her full of glory, with her five wounds that shone like suns and reminded her how far her love for humanity had come. He then proposed to Margarita María to receive communion every first Friday of the month and every Thursday night, to join in prayer to her agony in the Garden of Olives; This is what is commonly known as the Holy Hour.

Finally, in 1675, Christ appeared to him for the third time, showing his Heart and saying: “This is the Heart that loved men so much that it spared nothing until it was exhausted and consumed to testify its love to them.”

The sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial today

religious communities

Today Paray le Monial is a city that brings together many religious communities.

The Sisters of the Visitation pray for the intentions of the Heart of Jesus, welcome pilgrims who come to visit and pray in the Chapel of the Visitation (the place where Jesus revealed himself to Saint Margaret Mary)

The Jesuits exercise the ministry of confession not only to the various communities of the Shrine, but also to the pilgrims. The latter can confess in the Chapel of San Claudio. The Jesuit Fathers receive the pilgrims and preach in withdrawals to spread the Heart of Jesus to the whole world.

Four Father Chaplains have been established in Paray le Monial to organize the pilgrimagescelebrate the massesconfess the pilgrims and present the message.

The Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for the pilgrims and serve Christ in obedience to his rule.

The Dominican Sisters also have a community in Paray le Monial since 1929. There they live in silence and peace, praying for the salvation of the world.

The Poor Clares have also been present in Paray since 1878. In their compound and in poverty, they praise and intercede for the world.

The Emmanuel Community

Since 1985, the diocese of Autun, Chalon and Mâcon has entrusted the Sanctuary to Emmanuel Community. For this reason, the Emmanuel Community was established in Paray le Monial with 160 members, who currently live there. From there, they lead a prayer group and praise in the Chapel of the Visitation and participate in welcoming pilgrims and in the animation of the main festivities of the Sanctuary. On the other hand, we must know that in Paray le Monial various conferences, testimonies, spiritual retreats and festivals.

the EMS, Emmanuel School of Missionis a school that offers nine months of training to young people from 18 to 30 years of age, to remain close to the Heart of Jesus and become witnesses of his mercy.

The chain of prayer for all

Throughout the year, in Paray le Monial, a prayer chain is held for everyone. The chaplains and the faithful take turns, day and night, to pray before the Blessed Sacrament that is displayed in the Chapel of Saint John. From there they intercede for the salvation of the world, the consolation of those who suffer, as well as for the intentions entrusted to them, through their prayer of silent adoration.

We can all deposit prayer intentions here to be prayed in Paray le Monial.

Visit the Basilica of the Sacred Heart today

In addition, the association “Villes Sanctuaires” in France organizes conferences Y visits to The Sacred Heart Basilica in Paray le Monial.