Seven of Wands in Tarot: Reversed Meaning, in Love, Luck and Money


The seven of Wands has a very intense meaning in the Tarot. Therefore, if you have just drawn this card you can and should read its meaning and interpretation below.

People have always wanted to know what will happen in the future. Because of this, over time many tools have been created to help in this regard.

Of course, not all of them are effective. However, some can really help you better understand your destiny.

One of them is the tarot, a deck created in the 18th century and which shows your tomorrow very well. Using the tarot, you will have the chance to understand how your future will unfold and what your next steps will be.

To understand this deck in depth, however, It is necessary to analyze your letters. One of them is the seven of clubs, which has a very particular meaning.

Seen negatively, the card is not necessarily related to bad things. However, some characteristics shown by the seven of clubs can, in fact, be linked to negativity.

Next, find out a little more about the power of tarot. See, therefore, how important the seven of clubs can be for understanding your future.

Whether it’s money, love or luck, knowing more about your destination will make you better prepared for what’s to come. Thus, learn a little more about the seven of clubs.

The illustration of the seven of wands card in the tarot

The illustration of the seven of clubs card is made with a man being challenged by six pieces of wood emerging from below.

The seventh “stick”, thus, is in the hands of these men to fight. The meaning of the card actually relates well to this illustration, in fact.

This is because it shows a future marked by competitiveness and challenges. When in the normal position, the seven of clubs only demonstrates that the competition will be fierce to build the desired life.

There is, however, no a clear sign that your life will go wrong. When in the reversed position, the card shows negativity.

In this case, it points to serious problems to come. Because of all this, it is essential to carry out a complete analysis of the tarot cards.

Otherwise, you will fail to understand the universe and what the mystical world points to for your future. Next, find out more about the tarot and the impact of the seven of clubs on your destiny.

Meaning of the Seven of Wands in the Love Tarot

The love tarot is marked by two different analyzes when it comes to the seven of clubs. Depending on the positioning of the card, things can change.

In the normal position, the meaning is neutrality. Thus, the card only indicates that the future will have a high level of competitiveness for love.

You will have to fight for the person you love, but you can win this fight. At the same time, you will face challenges in the field of romance.

In short, therefore, your love life will not be flourishing, but it can be happy. In the case of the reversed seven of clubs, the meaning becomes terrible.

In this case, there is a clear relationship with giving up and the end of a journey. If you are in a relationship, know it won’t last long.

If you like a particular person, keep in mind that love won’t work out for you. This is because the reversed seven of clubs does not indicate good things when it comes to love.

Letter in normal position:

In normal position, the seven of clubs indicates neutral energies for the love future. This card makes it clear that you will face some challenges in the field of love.

Nothing will be very simple, making it necessary to impose yourself in the face of tests in the field of romance.

However, there is no sign that everything will go wrong. Although a perfect future is not outlined, the seven of clubs in the normal position also It’s far from being a horror.

You will need to defend yourself from those who want to end your happiness. With this, you will have to fight to have the love you dreamed of so much.

But, depending on your strength, happiness could knock on your door. Achieving good moments in the field of passion may be within your reach.

In the case of the reversed seven of clubs, as you can see, the meaning becomes different. Therefore, in the normal position the seven of clubs holds a neutral meaning for the love tarot.

Letter in reversed position:

The seven of clubs in the reversed position shows a bad future in love. That’s right, this type of card indicates serious problems in the way you deal with the universe.

You will have to face a lot of pain in love, suffering in different ways. If you’re in a relationship, keep in mind that it won’t last for long.

For the end is just ahead, waiting to end your happiness. If you like a person, know it won’t work.

With the energies that will be placed before you, it will be very difficult to overcome love challenges. You will end up entering very unlucky territory, without the possibility of your passion succeeding.

With time and failed romances, moreover, exhaustion will take over your existence. In this case, love will become an even rarer item and suffering will be present at your destination.

When the letter comes out several times:

When the letter comes out several times, the meaning becomes one of intensity. In the case of the seven of clubs in the normal position, nothing changes.

Because it is only clear that you will have challenges in the field of love. However, as long as you have strength on your part, it will be possible to overcome obstacles.

Therefore, this is not a heavy analysis. However, the reversed seven of clubs appearing a lot is already bad. In this case, it is possible to draw a parallel with an even heavier love life.

The energies around you will be terrible, sucking away all the happiness that comes your way. Love will not really prosper in its destiny.

Constant mistakes will make you a colder, more exhausted person. In this context, the chances of being successful in loving and being loved will be even smaller.

Meaning of the Seven of Wands in the Luck Tarot

In the lucky tarot, the seven of clubs shows bad luck in both cases. Thus, both inverted and in the normal position, it shows heavy energies.

It is worth highlighting, however, that the intensity of the problems is different. In the normal position, the card shows few possibilities for improvement and few opportunities.

However, it is not something so heavy that it will remain in your life for a long time. Thus, it is clear that the unlucky moment will soon pass.

In the case of the reversed seven of clubs, however, the sign is more negative. With this configuration, the sense starts to be quite heavy.

Your future life will really go through a period marked by mistakes and bad luck. Once bad luck is present in your daily life, it will be very difficult to get out of this path of unhappiness.

See a little more about the seven of clubs below, following everything related to the card in both positions.

Letter in normal position:

The seven of clubs card, when in the normal position, it indicates bad luck. However, it does not show such serious problems around it.

The illustration is of a negative future, but with chances of becoming positive within a short time.

The unlucky moment will be fleeting, and it’s up to you to change it as your life goes on. A period full of challenges is comingwith a lot of competition for what you want.

With this, there will be a lot of envy coming your way. Negative feelings and bad vibrations will take over your future.

However, in the normal position the seven of clubs card does not show fixed and immutable problems for your future. On the contrary, it makes it clear that things could be corrected over time.

It will only depend on you and the way you decide to change the direction your existence is taking. In the case of the reversed seven of clubs, yes, the meaning is very heavy.

Letter in reversed position:

The seven of clubs inverted shows very serious problems around you. Bad luck will settle in your life once and for all, never to leave again.

No matter what you do, it will be difficult to get rid of these bad energies. Negativity will enter your destiny, creating serious problems and generating pain.

Suffering, starting from the bad luck you will have, will make you unable to move forward in your daily life. Giving up on dreams one by one, you will embark towards a life free of relevant achievements.

Therefore, the scenario that the luck tarot indicates with the reversed seven of clubs appears terrible. This is a terrible future from all points of view.

Nothing can make you better, except a complete change in your way of being. In the end, tarot gives your future based on what it is today.

If you change your behavior, destiny may undergo changes. Viewing the reversed seven of clubs as a warning sign can help you improve as a person.

When the letter comes out several times:

When the seven of clubs comes out often, the sign becomes deeply unlucky. In this case, it doesn’t matter what the positioning of the card is.

Seeing the seven of clubs at all times in the tarot deck indicates failure. It is a sign from the universe and the forces that govern our world that there are charged energies close to you.

You find yourself on a path of little prosperity, with many negative vibrations present around you.

In the midst of all this, happiness cannot gain space in your way of dealing with the world. Witness many appearances of the seven of clubs, then, should be taken as a big warning.

This is a sign that things are not going well in your life. In the future, luck may be even scarcer and bad luck much stronger.

Meaning of the Seven of Wands in the Money Tarot

The meaning of the seven of clubs in the money tarot is twofold. In the normal position, it illustrates a time of challenges and changes to come.

A phase full of new things will appear on your path, with the need to overcome some trials. You will be forced to defend your assets at times, to avoid losses.

But, in others, you can take advantage of opportunities to try to prosper in the financial world. When the seven of clubs is reversed, the meaning appears negative.

In this way, the letter appears as something very bad. It therefore shows oppression on the part of people who could offer you financial help.

As a result, your situation will be negative. The relationship with money it won’t look goodwith exhaustion caused by excessive work that does not bear fruit.

Letter in normal position:

In normal position, the seven of clubs card shows an open financial destiny. This is because it highlights some challenges in its trajectory.

The money will not be that vast for you, with the need to overcome some obstacles.

But, in contrast, there will be opportunities ahead after passing the tests of life. There will be competition in…