Solemnity of Saint Mary Mother of God – January 1

On Universal Day of Peace (January 1st) the calendar of saints opens with the feast of Holy Mary in the ministry of her Divine Maternity.

First Marian feast that appeared in the Western Church, the feast of Mary Most Holyreplaced the pagan custom of gifts and began to be celebrated in Rome in the 4th century.

A Solemnity of Saint Mary, Mother of God, is a special time in the liturgical calendar when the Catholic Church comes together to celebrate and honor the uniqueness and importance of the Virgin Mary as Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

On this sacred day, we turn our gaze to the humility and submission of Maria before the divine plan of God. She, chosen from all eternity to be the Mother of the Savior, accepted with unshakable faith the mission entrusted to her. His response to the angel Gabriel, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38)reflects his total surrender to the will of God.

Maria plays a unique role in the history of salvation, being the bridge between the divine and the human, since it brought the Son of God to the world. In divine motherhood, she not only conceived Jesus, but also nurtured Him, educated Him and was by His side throughout His earthly life. Your faithfulness and unconditional love are an inspiring example for us all.

Furthermore, upon being proclaimed Mother of God, Maria receives the highest of honors, for his son, Jesus, is truly God and truly man. In this duality, we see the intimate union between the divine and the human, emphasizing the centrality of Christ in our faith.

On the Solemnity of Saint Mary, Mother of Godwe are invited to contemplate the mystery of the incarnation and to recognize the unique role of Maria in this great mystery. Through her divine motherhood, Maria She is a powerful intercessor, and we can trust her as our spiritual Mother, asking for her help and protection.

May on this solemn day we renew our love and devotion to Mariaseeking to follow his example of faith, humility and submission to the will of God. May she intercede for us, her children, before the divine throne, and may we experience the grace and blessing of her maternal care in our lives.

On World Peace Day, celebrate the Maternal Sanctity of Maria is to celebrate Jesus, King of Kings and our Savior. Let us pray to the mother of Jesus to bless our new year!

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!