spouses prayer

The prayer of the spouses is a prayer that the bride and groom pray during the celebration of the wedding in the church. Although the prayer of the spouses is not obligatory, if it is considered an important and very moving moment in the religious ceremony. Praying it allows newlyweds to open their hearts and place their partner’s requests at the Lord’s feet, full of trust and hope.

To prepare your wedding massthe couple are invited to choose a model prayer (discover examples of prayers for the spouses here) or to write your own sentence, just as they will with the prayer of the faithful. Here are some examples and advice to write the prayer of the spouses and begin this stage of life together under the blessing of God!

(Important: don’t forget pray for your husband/wife even after the wedding day!)

My marriage as God intended

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How to write the prayer of the spouses?

Traditionally, the prayer of the spouses is built around two axes: a thanksgiving Y a prayer of petitionsimilarly to the prayer of the parents.

Thanksgiving in the prayer of the spouses

This prayer allows us give thanks to God for having put the loved one in our path, for having allowed this love to be born and grow.

“Lord, you have allowed love to be born between us and to grow stronger, every day, since we met. Today we are here to unite our lives before you and for you. We thank you for the immense grace that has been given to us to fully live this love and know the joy of giving ourselves to each other”.

This can also be an opportunity for newlyweds give thanks to God for his family, his parents, his friends. At this time, they can be grateful that this environment has made it possible for their partner to remain – through their tenderness, their example and accompaniment.

“Lord, we thank you for all the love we have received from our parents and friends, which has allowed our hearts to open to others. Today, thanks to them, we are ready to enter into this marriage commitment with confidence.”

The petition in the prayer of the spouses

The prayer of the spouses allows, above all, to entrust to the Lord the requests of the couple. It is not about expressing vows that compromise the will of the couple, but about asking God to guide them, accompany them and act in their hearts. We can make requests about the couple and the home we want to build.

“Lord, help us to always be attentive to the other, to always see him with your eyes, as the wonderful being you wanted him to be. Teach us to love each other with the true love that Christ taught us: infinite, without condition, based on respect for the freedom of each one, tenderness and mercy.”

“Lord, allow the home we are about to create to be a warm, welcoming and open place for others. May we know how to share our joys in moments of happiness and be a comfort to each other in moments of sadness; allow us also to comfort to all those who need it. We pray that our marriage bears fruit, through children, our professional activities or our commitments.”

Tips for an original and personalized prayer of the spouses

To write a beautiful sentence, the most important thing is to take your time. This prayer will be the result of all the marriage preparation periodduring which the bride and groom probe the truth of their hearts to understand who they are and what kind of couple they can form.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • take some personal time to analyze the history of our love and understand what we have to offer the other and what it brings us. What makes me stand here today, ready to marry N…?

  • Take time with your spouse to question themselves about the projects and the future they want for their partner. Where do we want to go? The couple’s prayer can help them at this stage.

  • Take a time of prayer with the Lord, alone, as a couple, talking to a priest, etc. What place do we want to give God in our home? What do we want to entrust to you? What specifically do we want him to help us with?

Here are two suggested prayer examples for wedding celebrations. The bride and groom can use a model prayer or use it to write their own prayer. There are other beautiful prayers for spouses that can be read during a wedding.

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Proposal of the Roman Rite (n°181)

“Lord our God, you have led us to this day of happiness; we are grateful for it.

You have entrusted us to each other, now, together, we entrust our love to you.

We ask you, Lord, to keep us united, to keep us in your peace.

Protect our marriage.

Open our hearts to others.

Let us be faithful throughout our lives.

Welcome us one day to the Kingdom of your love, where we can praise you in peace and happiness.

R/. Amen.”

-Prayer translated from French by

Proposal of the ritual of the Church of France

“Lord, you have called us to found this home together; give us the grace to guide it with your love. May it be comforting for all of us who will live there; may our house be welcoming for those who want to shelter in it.

Teach us to progress together under your gaze, to do your will every day of our lives, to present our projects to you, to ask you for help, to offer you our joys and our sorrows, to lead the children you entrust to us.

Lord, you who are Love, we thank you for ours. Amen.”

-Prayer translated from French by

Prepare your heart for marriage with !

Marriage is a magnificent commitment for the couple. Join one of these prayer communities in to prepare your heart and live this beautiful adventure under the gaze of God: