The five minutes of the Holy Spirit

What is it about?

The reflections of each day are taken from the book “The Five Minutes of the Holy Spirit”, from Editorial Claretiana, whose author is Catholic priest Víctor Manuel Fernández.

The author leads us in these five minutes a day to open ourselves to the Spirit of God and perceive the strength of his consolation.

Specifically, what will you receive?

In this community you will find each day a meditation or a prayer dedicated to the Holy Spirit. I suggest that, after reading, you stay a few minutes in the presence of the Lord for him to work within you. Thus, day after day, you can try to open your heart to the “sweet guest of the soul“.

So that?

If every day you try to give it a place in your life, you will give your little collaboration to the Holy Spirit so that your life is transforming. Thus, in your darkness the light will enter, in your cold the fire will light up a little more, and joy will be reborn.

I invite you, hand in hand with the Holy Spirit, to walk this path together, for the greater glory of this God who loves us unconditionally and for our holiness.