The Time of God and that of Man

Imagine waiting 40 years for what was promised to you. This happened to the Israelite people: they walked all this time until they found the promised land. For them it was 40 years, and for God?

His time is not the same as ours. Our perception of time is linked to what happens on a daily basis (illness, financial situation, the arrival of someone special, employment, etc.) and this makes some days seem like a hundred hours long and others fly by! But one thing is certain: we have to have faith and wait, because “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28, 20).

Looking at it like this, it seems easy, but we must trust that above all our wills, there is God’s. There are many moments when giving up, aborting plans, changing direction or even stopping halfway seem like more “advantageous” options. However, as sons and daughters of God who profess an unshakable faith, the shortest path must be avoided.

Faith needs to be courageous, patient and determined, as well as waiting for God’s will, because your desires will be fulfilled when He wants. And be sure it will be the best for you.

Also remember that God’s time for happiness is different from ours. Seek peace and serenity, for God will also be there; seek calm and patience, because there too God will be present; walk, walk, think, reflect, donate, live, wait, wait and, if you need to, wait a little longer, because Ecclesiastes tells us: “For everything there is a right time; there is a time for every purpose under heaven” (3:1).

Pay attention to another point: do my promises come from my heart or are they just loose words that don’t reach God? Let’s go further: have we fulfilled what we promised before the Father? Because in the Bible there are more than three thousand promises made by the One who hears everything, sees everything, can do everything and knows everything; who welcomes us in pain, when we fall, lifts us up, when we sin, forgives us and accepts us back. He looks into the eyes of God and he will see the loving look of a father who says: “My son, I love you, I forgive you, I accept you! Have faith, believe, hope, because I am with you.”

Because as Father Marcelo Rossi says: “As important as understanding Divine love is understanding God’s timing. Only in this way can we control our anxieties and cultivate our patience.”