This Easter, who am I?

Introducing the community

✝️ Every year God invites us to live the mysteries of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Holy Week is the most intense liturgical moment of the whole year.

Living Holy Week is accompanying Jesus with our whole lives, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It is to celebrate and relive his delivery to death for love of us and the power of his Resurrection, which is the first fruit of ours. ✝️

Jesus does not live alone this moment of his life. Throughout the days different people appear, with different attitudes that are related to him, and they live Holy Week with him, with different involvement. All the characters will have to make their decisions. Some are right, and some are wrong.

✝️ How are you going to live this Easter? What will be the experience of Jesus and the character that will help you draw closer to the Lord?

We celebrate Holy Week as we live our lives each day. Holy Week is a reflection of our history.

A great protagonist of this Holy Week is you. ✝️

Who will be the characters that will accompany us and whom we will accompany?

From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, we will live the mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus from the experience of some of the protagonists of that first drama that has changed the history of humanity.

💜 Palm Sunday: The people who hail

💚 Holy Monday: Martha, Mary and Lazarus

💙 Holy Tuesday: Judas, Simon Peter and John

🤎 Holy Wednesday: Pontius Pilate and Claudia Procula

❤️ Holy Thursday: Jesus

🖤 ​​Good Friday: Saint Dimas and the Roman Centurion

🖤 ​​Holy Saturday: Mary, the mother of Jesus and women

🤍 💛 🧡 Easter Sunday: Mary Magdalene and the entire creation

What will we do each day of the week?

❇️ Who are you?

Every day we will ask each of the characters that question. And they will answer us, from three dimensions: their thoughts, their actions and their emotions and feelings.

❇️ A word of encouragement along the way

“Without Sacred Scripture, the events of the life of Jesus and of his Church in the world remain indecipherable” (Aperuit Illis, 1).

Every day a biblical text will help us understand the mystery we celebrate. In any age, moment and situation, the Word of God embellishes us, feeds us and drives us on the path of life.

❇️ What is your role this Easter?

Holy Week can be experienced in many ways: as a tourist, as always, as a spectator, as an “extra” or as a protagonist, fully entering each of the days.

How are you going to live this Easter?

❇️ We pray with the psalms

At the center of Jesus’ prayer life are the Psalms. Jesus prays with the psalms at the decisive moments of his life, the most difficult and those of greatest suffering.

Our daily prayer will end with a psalm that helps us to make Jesus’ prayer and sentiments our own.

You can start with Psalm 21

If you want to keep in touch with us when you finish this retreat, join the “María Rivier” i-Amigos community. Click on this link https:///t/vrNuz.