Veni Creator Spiritus, or Come Creator Spirit

The Veni Creator Spirituseither “Come Creator Spirit” in Spanish, it is a Gregorian hymn composed in the 9th century. It is structured in seven quatrains, which undoubtedly refer to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, advice, strength, fear, piety, science and intelligence. East liturgical chantcoming from latin rite, has been translated into Spanish; in fact, there is an official liturgical translation that is sung by Catholics and by most Christian churches, which has been taken up by many composers. This hymn is, without a doubt, the prayer to the Holy Spirit that is best known.

The Veni Creator prayer in Spanish and Latin

Official liturgical version of the Veni Creator in Spanish

Come, Creator Spirit,

visit the minds of yours;

full of divine grace

the hearts that you have created.

You, called the Comforter,

Gift of the Most High God;

Living Source, Fire, Charity

and spiritual Anointing.

You, with your seven gifts,

You are Force from the right hand of God.

You, the one promised by the Father.

You put your Word on our lips.

Turn on your light in our minds,

pour your love into our hearts,

and, to the weakness of our flesh,

invigorate it with redoubled strength.

Drive the enemy away,

give us peace as soon as possible;

you going ahead as a guide,

We will avoid the dangers.

That through you we know the Father,

let us also know the Son

and in you, Spirit of both,

we create at all times.

Glory to the Father forever,

Glory to the Son, risen

from the dead, and

Paraclete for centuries and centuries.


Official liturgical version of the Veni Creator in Latin.

“Come, creator Spiritus,

Tuorum minds visit,

Implement superna gratia

Quae tu creasti pectora.

What will you say Paraclitus,

Altissimi donum Dei,

Fons vivus, ignis, faces

Et spiritalis unctio.

Your septiformis munere,

Digitus paternae dexterae,

Your rite promissum Patris,

Sermon ditans guttura.

access lumen sensibus,

Infuse amorem cordibus,

Infirma nostri corporis

Virtue firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius

Pacemque dons protinus;

Ductore sic te praevio

Vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,

Noscamus atque Filium;

Teque utriusque Spiritum

Credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit glory,

Et Filio, qui a mortuis

Surrexit, ac Paraclete

In saeculorum saecula. Amen.

Why, when and how to pray to the Holy Spirit?

Receive the Holy Spirit it is essential to live in the presence of God and manifest his work. In fact, just before his Ascension, Jesus promises his disciples that they will receive “the power of the Holy Spirit that will descend on “(Acts 1:8). We also need the Holy Spirit, who not only descends on us on the day of our baptism, in fact, we can renew his presence in our hearts every day, if we take the time to call him .

Novena to the Holy Spirit – meditating

3198 members

There are no rules for pray to the Holy Spirit. He is alive, spontaneous, surprising; He is living water, burning fire, soft breeze… Let us not hesitate to address Him spontaneously, we can even offer Him a heart that overflows with love, without having to mention a specific word. However, should you need it, we can also direct you to a recited prayer, for example, the Veni Creator Spiritus, the Veni Sancte Spiritus, or the prayer of Pope John Paul II.

Finally, discover other beautiful ways to pray to the Holy Spirit with ! You can do this specifically through a novena in preparation for Pentecost. What a wonderful opportunity to once again receive the gifts of the Spirit!