verses about money

we all know the biblical story of the rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus, but gave up the idea when He asked him give all he had to the poor. Jesus replied that it is very difficult for a rich enter the kingdom of God. When we hear or read this story, we may think that God only accepts the poor or those who have little money. However, He Himself tells us in the Holy Scriptures: “The gold and the silver are mine! –oracle of the Lord of hosts.” (Haggai 2:8). To tell the truth, what is wrong in the eyes of God is not having money, but being so tied to him as for refuse to give. In fact, we have to be aware of the money’s place in our hearts and have a good attitude towards money. For this reason, proposes you to explore these seven tickets and bible versesto understand how God expects ours to be relationship with money.

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7 scriptural words about love of money

Let’s choose between serving God or serving money

“No one can serve two masters, because he will hate one and love the other, or he will be interested in the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and Money.” (Matthew 6:24)

The love of money feeds the evil in our hearts

“Let us be content with food and shelter. Those who wish to be rich expose themselves to temptation, fall into the trap of innumerable ambitions, and commit disastrous blunders that precipitate them to ruin and perdition. Because avarice is the root of all evils, and by letting themselves be carried away by it, some lost faith and innumerable sufferings were caused. (1 Timothy 6:8-10)

Our value does not depend on what we have

“Then he said to them: ‘Beware of abundance, a man’s life is not assured by his riches.'” (Luke 12:15)

Giving to the poor is imitating God

“You know that with my own hands I have attended to my needs and those of my companions. In every possible way, I have shown them that in this way, by working hard, one must help the weak, and that it is necessary to remember the words of the Lord Jesus: “Happiness lies more in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:34-35)

He who sows, reaps

“He who sows to satisfy his flesh will reap only corruption from the flesh; and he who sows according to the Spirit, from the Spirit he will reap eternal Life. Let us not get tired of doing good, because the harvest will come in due time if we do not give up..” (Galatians 6:8-9)

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We must give to receive in heaven

Do not lay up treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume them, and thieves pierce through the walls and steal them. Instead, lay up treasures in heaven, where there is no moth or rust to consume them, no thieves to drill and steal. Where your treasure is, your heart will be too.” (Matthew 6:19-21)

Wisdom is more valuable than money

“What good is money in the hands of a fool? To acquire wisdom? If he has no intelligence!” (Proverbs 17:16)

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