Blessing prayer for husbands

Blessed Lord, You who are the king of kings, the only one who can defeat the evil of this world, You who know everything, who can do everything. Today I come to You like every day, very grateful for everything you give me, of all the blessings you have poured out throughout my life.

I feel grateful for each of the people you have put in my path, for those who stayed, for those who left, but above all, I feel immensely grateful for my spouse, this person you put in my life and who does me so much good, who helps me get ahead, to face life day by day.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of her life, and she of mine, happiness overwhelms me knowing that day after day I can enjoy her presence, her company and her love, and I owe it all to You my Lord, who are the maker of my life, because everything is written and You chose this person so that I can love and care for her for the rest of my days.

In this prayer Father, today I come to ask you for our union, for this marriage that you yourself allowed and united for the rest of our daysso that you bless us, so that you fill us with your grace, your compassion and your immeasurable love.

I ask you, my Beloved God, to give us your sacred protection, not only from the dangers that lurk in the streets, but also from the internal dangers, those that present themselves with daily tests, that can be capable of destroying a marriage if this is not fortified in your love.

Help us to be a married couple that is listened to, that is understood, that is respected, help us to be good to each other, to always think of others, not to be self-centered or proud, that all negative feelings be discarded from our marriage, so that there is no room for resentment or revenge.

So that we may be guided day by day with your light, with the impression of your sacred Spirit, give us the fortune to be able to enjoy your company, your guide, your wise words, give us the joy of being your servants and fill our hearts with overflowing faith.

We are two people who strive daily to be to your liking my God, grant us the necessary wisdom to make good decisions, to always know how to choose between what is right and what is not, so that we know how to be fair and benevolent, towards ourselves and with others.

Most High Lord, I ask you with great fervor for these spouses, so that they are always able to fight problems together that they are coming, so that they know how to put their love before pride or anger, that we be empathic and tolerant of the defects of the other, that we do not judge without first knowing the truth.

May love reign in this marriage my Lord, that pure love that you give us and taught us through your son Jesus Christ, give us the grace to be able to be strong people, to have the courage and character to face any difficulty and that we emerge victorious from them.

I ask you Kind God, that you give us the gift of forgiveness, that we be able to recognize our mistakes and ask for forgiveness for them and likewise that we know how to forgive our spouse when he hurts us or causes us some pain, help us to understand and value ourselves.

That no one can break this beautiful union my Lord, because we love each other sincerely, because we want to progress together and achieve eternal life by your side, give us the strength that is required to be able to move away from any type of temptation that in life we ​​are presented, that we always respect each other my beloved God. In the name of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.