Category Holy Prayers

Litany to Saint Anthony of Padua

Among all the different ways to pray to Saint Anthony of Padua, there are the litanies. The litanies of the saints they are prayers summoning, more frequently collective, declaiming and repeating all the names and qualities of a saint. How…

Matthew 6:9

“You pray this way: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name” (Matthew 6:9). 19863 members Passage from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6 “7 When you pray, do not talk much, as the pagans do: they believe…

Jesus on the cross

Jesus on the cross and his resurrection are the center of the Christian faith. The Bible says that after teaching and caring for his disciples for three and a half years, “Jesus began to announce to his disciples that he…


the book of exodus It is the second book of the Old Testament, after the book of Genesis. It consists of 40 chapters and was written by Moses. This book of the Bible recounts various extraordinary miracles experienced by the…

9 months with Maria

Description of this community: “9 Meses con María” is based on the beautiful and poetic work of Luis Erlín, where he proposes a novena, not of nine days, as is our custom, but nine months to accompany Mary from the…

David and Goliat

The Old Testament is made up largely of the stories of the kings and prophets of the people of Israel, including Saul, the first king, Solomon, the richest, David, the most famous, among others. The Bible also tells us about…


Perhaps you have noticed that in the Old Testament, when God addresses his people, he very often presents himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This name of God comes from the Alliance that he made with these…