prayer for world peace

My God, the need to remember your promise of a perfect world free from evil disposes me to place myself in your holy Presence. Lord, You who recognize in people the kindness and affection for others, hear my words.

This world that is ruled by the malice of the enemy is suffering, my God. Do not forsake us, give us the peace that we need so much to live together as the brothers in Christ that we are, Lord. Give us the faith to believe in a better future and calm the hatred in the hearts of so many people.

Wrongly, the men and women of the world hate each other and wage wars to harm each other. Lord, my God of peace, bless us and appease the wrath of those who are ready for cruel and unnecessary battles.

With pain I see how everything around me is destroyed because of the attacks and the violence that takes place in many countries of the planet. The destruction, Lord, is so great that human lives have been lost for a long time and your beautiful creation has been greatly harmed.

I pray, Good Father, asking You, who are Almighty and perfect, for world peace, so that from now on our language will be a language of love, full of understanding, kindness and solidarity.

You have seen, Most High Lord, the suffering of many innocents who day after day are wounded and damaged by wars that last for years and other conflicts caused by the enemy, who seeks to set neighbor against neighbor and make them fight. I ask you, my God, for all my brothers and sisters in the world, so that they may be blessed with peace.

Lord, may my sins not prevent you from hearing my request. Forgive me, my God, if I have committed mistakes and offended my neighbor. With your Divine Mercy, understand me and clean my mistakes, Lord.

I cannot stop thanking you, Most Holy Lord, for all the divine gifts you give me, for my well-being, my spiritual health and the tranquility that reigns in me and in my loved ones. But I ask that, just as I can enjoy all these wonders of yours, the rest of the world can also know your love, Father.

Blessed and Praised be You, my blessed Lord. In You I find comfort when I feel full of turmoil. You are my guide and my refuge, Holy Father. The strength that helps me continue, You give it to me, Lord.

Give us, my God, forgiveness among us to recognize in our neighbor a brother or sister that we should love. Make us understand, Lord, that fights will never lead to anything good and that the best way to resolve conflicts is by communicating.

Because You gave us the intelligence to always think before acting and to know that violence will never be a path that is well seen in Your eyes, Holy Father. May the men and women who fuel wars and disagreements between nations remember this, Lord.

Thank you, my God, for the blessing of speaking with You and being able to open my heart to You. All this that I have spoken to you about, I ask in the name of your Most Beloved Jesus, Our Redeemer, who preferred to sacrifice himself for us to save us from sin. His love, Lord, like yours, has no limits. Blessed are you, Father, for giving us life and teaching us so much. Amen.