Prayer to believe in God’s love

Beloved Lord of mercy, you who reign in heaven and are the king of everything. I want to thank you through this prayer for each of your blessings, in the first place for having given me life and allowing me to live it in the best way possible, that I can own my actions, and be able to manage my body with total freedom.

I feel grateful, Blessed Lord, for the infinite opportunities to be happy, for each one of the people you have placed in my path and in my life, for those who have supported me, for those who have been part of me and my plans and dreams, thank you for allowing me to share so much with loved ones.

I know that your love is immense and infinite, I know that you love me and your children without any doubt, because I have seen your works, I have seen your creation and everything you provide for me, however, it is in my nature to be a man arrogant and even sometimes incredulous, that is why my God, who I come to You with this humble prayer so that you help me to believe in your love, to blindly believe in your word and in your works.

I want to be able to trust You without even having to ask me anything, I want to be your faithful servant, always stay by your side and be able to be worthy of calling me a son of God. I sincerely desire to be a believing man, a man who believes in your divine love, in your magnificent works on the lives of others.

I ask you to give me confidence not only in You but also in myself so that I can believe in my potential as your know that I can achieve my highest goals, that I can believe in my talents, in my dreams, in my abilities to stand out and be a better man in this society.

Give me the opportunity to be a valuable man, a man who fears God, who can be capable of great things in the name of your love, who can do good to others, and make my brothers also believe in your love, in your word and in your mercy.

The love you give me, Father, is the most beautiful and pure thing I have in life, because you do not impose your will on me, but rather you give me the choice of my own path, you guide me and help me to choose the right thing, and despite the fact that I am wrong many times, you continue to allow me to enjoy my free will.

I ask you very hard, my Lord, to take me by your hand to continue on your path, so as not to get lost in this world of darkness, so that I can trust in your holy word to be able to face any problem or difficulty that comes my way, I want be strong and brave.

I want you to clean my life and remove from me all bad thoughts, all bad actions and fill me with humility, kindness, generosity towards others, that I can give of my time and my service to those who need itthat I can promote love towards my neighbor helping those most in need, or whoever needs me.

Most High Lord, I would like you to give me the joy of being able to feel your love all day long, knowing that you are by my side and that you protect me from all the evil that exists in this world, I want to feel your sacred spirit whispering to me the things I must do, the decisions I must make so as not to fall prey to the enemy.

I sincerely wish that your love invades not only my life, but also my home, so that everyone who enters feels all the goodness that comes with your divine love, that they feel so happy to be here that they want to know your sacred gospel. .

I want to be able to live up to your expectations Lord, I want you to be proud of me and that you give me your pure and sincere love every day, from when I get up in the morning until when I go to bed at night, I want your love to change my life, to make me a new and valuable man in your sacred eyes. Always asking you in the name of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, Amen.