Prayer to cleanse and free the house

Lord, God of the entire universe, it is a privilege to be able to count on you through this prayer, to know that I can feel alive, to have the opportunities that you offer me every day to be a better son, a better son, a better wife, a better mother, a better father. , trying to fulfill everything that your will has written in my life. I want to start this prayer by consecrating my house completely to You.

You know me Lord, you know my family, because it is You who have formed us, even before being in our mothers’ wombs You loved us, that is why there is no better thing I can do right now, than to address You through this prayer. I want to make a very special request, because my house is going through some problems and difficulties, and I am sure that all this does not come from You.

I want to give you in these moments, Lord of my life, my home, so that you are the one who cleans it and frees it from any action of the enemy, because it wants to break into the peace and tranquility of my family with a series of things that affect our well-being, but it will not succeed, because my family and I are subject to your powerful hand.

After all the evil, you came out victorious, Lord, because your love was greater than any hardship, than any sin and evil, Please help me to get out of this situation that afflicts me, that does not let me rest and keeps me worried and distracted from all my activities, because it only wants to generate division and fear in my relatives.

Clean my house, blessed Lord, purify it with your light, radiate your peace in every space, in every corner; May each room be sealed with your Most Precious Blood, so that nothing and no one can corrupt it. Free my house from all evil, from all bad intentions, from all actions that the enemy is sending against me and all of us who live under this roof. Do not allow anything to harm us, Lord, let nothing separate us, because we are convinced that yours is the power and glory, incomparable Lord.

But I am also sure that Your mercy is greater than all harm and has enough power to put the evil one at your feet and then expel him from my life, from my home, from this world and so that he never comes back. Clean my space Lord, for your infinite goodness, uproot every curse that wants to harm us, and put in its place true peace, joy and tranquility.

Cast out evil and free our hearts from the ties of sin Lord, just as you freed many people from curses long ago, you cast out demons from your children and did many miracles, I beg you to come to my house today and throw away all the evil that is rooted in every corner and heart, cut the weeds and sow new seeds of peace and faith.

Please merciful Father, expel all the spirits of conflict, separation, aggression, disobedience, envy or discomfort that harm our souls and want to separate us from You. With my prayer I want to cling to You Lord, I am very afraid that my family will end up destroyed by these evils, but I am sure that with your protection, we will emerge victorious from this situation.

May these evils now be eliminated in your name, because this house does not belong to You, my Lord, it is completely yours, come to reign within it, clean and inhabit all spaces. Go through each of its rooms and clean them of all stains, all aberrations and damage.

Free also, blessed Lord, each of us who dwell here, cleanse our hearts and free us from temptations, of bad attitudes, help us to walk with you, blessed God, because sin will have no place in our lives if we walk hand in hand with you, beloved Lord. May everyone who enters our house be anointed by your love, blessed Father, and may all bad intentions that he harbors in his heart be canceled and replaced by peace and blessing.

May each room, living room, dining room, kitchen, outdoor area and each of the environments of my house be inhabited by your beautiful presence my God, that my home can be a space inhabited by your divinity, so that all my family remains protected, in constant prayer and fidelity to You, so that it may be inhabited by peace and harmony, and that love may reign in my family.

Thank you very much for answering my call and my pleas Lord, for not leaving me alone in these moments when I pray for the cleaning and liberation of my house. Teach me to be patient, to wait on You without losing faith, so that my family and I can serve you with full willingness under the power of your grace, because this house belongs to you. Never leave our side, stay with us, good Father, in the name of Jesus, Amen.