Prayer to restore the marriage

Eternal Father, all my gratitude is to You my Lord, for each of the blessings that you pour out on me and my family, for everything that you allow in my life, for each material good that you have allowed me to achieve for the good of my family.

I feel grateful Lord, because you do not abandon us, because even when we fail you are still by our side Giving us your infinite blessings, because you love us and forgive our failures.

Father You know what is in my heart, and you know that today my heart suffers, because my marriage is going through a difficult and painful stage, many times I get frustrated Lord and I no longer want to continue, the pain prevents me from seeing clearly.

That is why I am here today, Father, before You, because I know that You, who know everything, can you give me the solution or the way out of this suffering that each day becomes heavier and more difficult to bear.

My marriage has been affected by insecurity, mistrust, resentment, and detachment, and I don’t want this to progress. My Lord, I don’t want the problems to get bigger, causing the end of my marriage.

I want to fight for my partner, I want to fight for ours, and the only one who can help me is You my Lord, no human being can give us the comfort that You can give us, and trusting in You, I ask You to give me your help, to reach out to me in this moment of desperation.

Blessed Father, I do not want my marriage to end, I love my wife and I want to do everything in my power to make everything much better than before, but I need your help Lord, because I am human, I am weak and feelings of frustration quickly take over my mind.

I ask you, my Lord, to give my wife the patience to understand me.To wait for me, I ask you to fill her with your wisdom so that she can also realize what is happening in our marriage and thus be able to fight this battle together.

We are not perfect Father, and we have hurt each other, give us the ability to forgive ourselves and the other, may pride depart from our home, because it only moves us further away every day, may we not be afraid to try again As many times as necessary for our sacred marriage to triumph.

Holy Father, remove from my marriage, all doubt, all lack of love, all betrayalthat we can fully trust each other with our eyes closed, knowing that the other person will not do anything to hurt us.

Help us Father to strengthen our trust, to strengthen our bonds of love, allow Father, that we can remember everything that made us love, that when we feel sad and distant we find a way to be close to each other, even without saying a single word.

Bless my marriage Father, do not allow the gaps that have formed over the years to end this love that is pure and true, but that with the routine they do not let us see the reality of our beautiful union, give us strength to fight for our marriage Lord and may your will be done always Father, in the name of your beloved son, Jesus Christ, Amen.