prayer to solve problems

Blessed Lord, I turn my eyes to You in these difficult times that I am going through, because only You know what is in my mind, in my heart and in my life. Only You know the desperation that overwhelms my feelings and today I turn to You, beloved Father, because I know that You are with me every day of my life, because I know that You won’t leave me in this battle that I have had to live, because I know that you are the only one capable of emerging victorious from the problems that now lurk and disturb my daily walk.

Today I approach you, wonderful Lord, first of all to thank you for being that guide that I always need in my life; for each and every blessing that you have seen fit to give me and for everything that I still do not get and that perhaps I will never get, because you are the only one who knows my destiny, the giver of everything good, of everything that is of well-being for me.

It would be unfair of me not to thank you after You, my God, have done wonderful things in my life, because you have blessed me greatly day after day. I am alive, I have a home, a family, and although sometimes there are discussions or misunderstandings, your victorious hand always prevails in the face of difficulties. Today I want to give you this cause, Lord.

With great faith I turn to You, my incomparable God, to deliver these problems that affect and concern me so much into your blessed hands. Take them, blessed Lord, and give them the solution you think convenient. My strength is not enough, beloved Lord, to solve these difficulties, that is why I leave everything in your hands because I know that You know what to do, because I know that You have everything under control.

You well know my problems, those that affect me so much, those that keep me up at night and are a great cause for concern. I want to ask you, kind God, to place your powerful hand on my life and on my problems, so that everything is resolved in Your blessed name Lord, King of Hosts.

That all ties, that all problems, conflicts and situations that are a source of anguish in my life, be resolved in your majestic name, Lord Jesus, because I know that with you I have assured victory, because I know that by your side nothing and no one will be able to against me, that’s why with a lot of faith I ask you to give a solution to each of the problems that haunt my life, take them away from me and leave everything resolved. Lord, take care of them, because I can’t do it alone, I need You and your grace, good and eternal Father.

I ask you, adored God of my life, to help me move forward, to give me the comfort I need, to embrace me with your love, to help me move forward. strong and courageous like your Son Jesus Christ, when he begged you to pass that chalice of Him. I cry out to You, Lord of Lords, and I ask you to help me not to give up, to not let myself be overcome by these moments of trial, because I know that it is in this time of struggle where my trust in You must be much more intense, my Lord.

Give me faith, dear Father, Only You know how much I need it. Renew my life, my thoughts and my feelings so that I can be prepared for those great things that You have planned for my life. Make me strong and brave to resist these difficult times, give me patience, my blessed God, to wait calmly for all the good that will come through your great mercy.

Comfort me, Lord, embrace me with your love and help me remember that I am not alone, because You are always by my side protecting me and encouraging me to never give up, because no matter what happens, I know that it will be Your will that governs my life. That’s why I ask you to help me understand it and always see the bright side of things.

My precious and adored Lord, you are that light that guides my path day by day, please, never forsake me at any time of my life; help me to continue strong on your path and to trust in your Divine Mercy; to have my trust in You and to know that through this precious prayer all my problems will be solved in Your name, my blessed God.

Thank you for lending your ear to my pleas, for giving me the opportunity to address You with all that I have and all that I am, because there is nothing that can hide from You, because you are my good Father, my only God and my Lord. forever and ever. I believe in You and in your power, that’s why I remain with the certainty that these difficulties that torment my life, will be resolved in your powerful and incomparable name, my Lord.

There is no one like You, because You are the only one capable of achieving it, that is why I stay with you, my Lord, because everyone who waits in Jesus, your Word says, will raise their wings like eagles, they will walk and not get tired, they will run and they will not tire, because we hope in You, my wonderful Lord. In You I hope and in You I trust, because where you are, nothing is missing, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.