Category Holy Prayers


According to the chronological order of the Old Testament books, the book of numbers It is the fourth book after Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. It is composed of 36 chapters, and Moses is its main author. Have you ever wondered…


the book of proverbs It’s one of the poetic books of the Old Testament. If we look at the chronological order of the Bible, it is placed after the book of Psalms and before the book of Ecclesiastes, consists of…

psalm 23

Psalm 23 (22) It’s one of the Biblical passages best known. In this word of the BibleDavid praises God for his inexhaustible fidelity and testifies that the Lord has always sustained him, supplying his needs: “I will lack nothing”. In…

Prayer to Saint Bernadette

The Virgin Mary chose Bernadette Soubirousa simple and humble young woman, to appear to him in Lourdeson several occasions, in the year 1858. In fact, the Virgin appears to him as the Immaculate Conception. Some time later, Bernadette joined the…

golden calf

In the Old Testament, some historical books like Exodus, tell us how it happened the liberation of the jewish people hand in hand with the Egyptians, and how they crossed the Red Sea and walked through the desert for 40…

Santa Rita

hope is never discouraged She was forced to marry a violent atheist, but her kindness made this man convert. She had two children with him for whom she interceded a lot so that the Lord would take them before seeing…