Category Holy Prayers

prayer for the family

family life it is an adventure, with its moments of joy, its difficulties and its tests. For this place to be like a “little house church“, as Saint John Chrysostom said, a home where each one is fulfilled, grows in…

Pater Noster – Our Father in Latin

Bequeathed by Jesus himself, the Our Father is the most important prayer of the three christian religions. Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, we all pray it, which allows us to be in communion with Christians around the world. Until recently, she…

sleep prayer

It is true that, after having a busy and stressful daysometimes it’s hard find the calm and appeasement necessary to be able to fall asleep. In this situation, there is nothing better than praying at night and entrusting our concerns…

deliverance prayer

Among the healing prayers, there are prayers for soul painsa, what are they called deliverance prayers. These sentences, by praying them with faith and fervor, have the objective of freeing the spirit from all the evil spiritual ties that can…

prayer for the dead

During the celebration of a funeral in the church, different prayers are usually recited to commend the soul of the deceased to the Lord. Some prayers are read by the priest or officiant, however, some prayers may also be read…